Upgrading My Office Space

Upgrading My Office Space

Long time in the making, I’ve moved into my new office space. I’ve been waiting for it for quite a while. As I expand my businesses, I get more filing cabinets, drawers, more laptops, servers and computers, and with that more keyboards, mice. So I needed more space.

Fresh new dedicated room, new carpet and all new drywall and paint. I’ve got a lot of computers and laptops to setup here. I will be converting a different space into a server room. I now finally have room for whiteboards/bulletin boards.

My old office just wasn’t cutting it. It felt enclosed, cluttered, everything stacked on top of each other. This entire new space is three times the size and should keep me going for a while hopefully.

I’m looking forward to moving everything in and setting up the new space. Just 15 hours left of sorting out cords and cables and I’ll be good to start putting everything back together!

Thanks for reading!
I hope you enjoy all the blog materials i have to offer.

Damien Defranco
Founder & Chairman of the Board
Defranco Enterprises Inc & Defranco Enterprises LLC

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