business, lifestyle

Play Hard, Work Harder. Success In Business Requires Effort.

About Damien Defranco

I’ve been lucky to have been in business for a long time, and I’ve had a chance to experience both the lows and highs of being an Entrepreneur.  Since I’ve been in business I have been involved in over 875 start-up brands with Entrepreneurs around the world (majority eCommerce).  I’m proud to have created over 6500 jobs.  Never give up, failing at something is just the beginning and can only make you a stronger businessperson and bring you better success. is a Questions & Answers website where users can sign up, ask questions to be answered by professions and authorities on those topics & questions.  My team and I are active on Quora.  It is a great place to get answers for your questions.

My mission is to create more jobs in the USA & Canada.  To date I’ve created over 6500 jobs globally.   By helping businesses expand and create new services and products in North America, we can create more work.

I want to help new entrepreneurs have success in their journey by helping get past the day to day hurtles associated with being in business.  By minimizing the risk companies can grow faster and become more profitable

I have ambitions to eventually do more in the commercial real estate business and develop more within Canada.  Grow bigger cities in Canada and bring more jobs.

I’ve also been inspired greatly by Tesla and Mercedes their mission/goals and I would also like to one day have my own product line of luxury sport and luxury economy vehicles.

I’ve been involved in several charities over the last few years.  Mostly plant-a-tree ones in North America that are depending on product sales.

I would like to get more involved in other charities as the opportunity presents itself – specifically for schools, young student learning and shaping the future to have more Entrepreneurs.

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6 Misconceptions About Starting Any Online Business That No One Tells You
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What is Dropshipping?
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My History With Shopify
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Information About My Free Mentorship Program
Hey everyone, thanks for your interest in my mentorship program. Over the last few years since I started this free mentoring program, word has spread...

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Benefits Of Having A Co-Founder Verses Going Solo When Starting A Business
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Email Accounts And What It Means For The Perception Of Your Business
Email Accounts And What It Means For The Perception Of Your Business Choosing the right email account for your business may seem like an easy...

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Experience Defranco

Follow me as I travel the world for business and adventure.
Keep up to date with my news by reading my blog.  Join in on the conversations.

Defranco Enterprises
Defranco Capital Group
Defranco Gaming Sponsorship
Defranco Shipping Services
Defranco Film Productions
Gamer Gear Guru

Investing in People

My company Defranco Capital Group is about investing in people.  Not just ideas, products or services.  
Investing in the person behind the company is good business sense.

Why mentoring?

Everyone ever truly successful has had a mentor.  Whether its one-on-one mentoring advice, a life-long coach, reading tons of books, or following a persons life story & career.  Learning knowledge from mentors will help you grow faster.

  • Mark Zuckerberg who created a multi-billion dollar social company had Steve Jobs as a mentor.
  • Bill Gates who created Microsoft had Ed Roberts as a mentor.
  • Warren Buffett was mentored by Benjamin Graham.

Mentors are one of the most important tools in your kit when you are starting or growing a business.  Mentors don’t just give/share advice and knowledge, but they also motivate.  Motivation is one of requirements of success, if you don’t put in the work it takes to become successful, you will not achieve your goals.

Business Entrepreneurs are not the only ones who have mentors.  Athletes & actors like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Lee, Tom Hanks, Oprah Winfrey all have had mentors.  Most individuals who have mentors in turn also mentor someone else.

There is no such thing as a get rich fast opportunity. You need to work hard each and everyday to make your dreams a success.
You need to enjoy the work you do. If you have passion for the business you are in then you will have far more success.
You can’t always succeed at something alone. Don’t be afraid of asking for help from family, friends, or mentors.
Working the grind isn’t enough by itself, you need to be smart about what you do and how you do it. Plan ahead.

Take A Step Towards The Future And Get A Mentor

I offer on call mentor-ship, scheduled lessons and group coaching.


Let me and my team at Vixeemo help your brand grow.
We offer full business solutions from the ground up.
Mistakes can be avoided by learning from those who have already walked in your path.

Full site building & management services, multi-page, about, blog, contact and more!

Account setup for your business on various social media outlets; Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc

Logo, Flyers, Banners, advertisements, business cards, product & packaging, and much more!

Put your logo & branding on millions of products and market them & sell them as your own.

Webstore setup for adding shopping cart, products, and checkout to your website that you can sell on.

Business registration, and various account setup from payroll, taxes, banking and much more.

ZiggDig Wholesale

My company ZiggDig offers a wide range of products to fuel your business.
Take the hassle out of product sourcing, we will ship right to you.

Distributor & Sub-Distributor

ZiggDig offers a wide range of products to suit your business needs.  We work with over 300 vendors from USA & Canada, and import over 13-million products from China for our customers.

  • Low Minimum Order Quantity
  • 13+ Million Products
  • Top Name Brands & Vendors
  • Tiered Bulk Discounts
  • Shipping Right To You
  • Product Sourcing
  • Sample Requests
  • Easy Re-Orders
  • Global Distribution
  • Term Payments


I've had the privilege to work closely with Damien over the last couple years. His guidance has made my Shopify store a success in Canada. He is one of the best mentors I have ever had.
Alex FallanArchies Outlet
The best advice I have ever gotten in my career is from Damien Defranco. His connections has provided my brand with full business solutions and I get all my products from him. I recommend Damien Defranco to anyone who wants to become an Entrepreneur.
Keith MarksVIP LOOT

Want To Improve Your Business? Contact Me Today

I’ve worked with over 150 Entrepreneurs around the world to help them to make their brands a success.
From simple single-product brands utilizing landing pages to massive supermarket style eCommerce stores.
With my guidance you can get to the next level in your Entrepreneur career.

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