6 Misconceptions About Starting Any Online Business That No One Tells You

With the surge of Entrepreneurs starting their own businesses in the last couple years, many ‘fake gurus’ online have been boasting about starting a business, and how easy it is. Social media is flooded with people showing off the ‘easy’ businesses. Due to all the hype online, there is tons of people starting businesses lately. Here are some things they...

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What is Dropshipping?

Dropshipping is a retail fulfillment selling method where the seller doesn’t stock, or touch any inventory themselves.  Instead the seller is advertising items directly from their supplier.  When the seller sells an item, they forward the sale to their supplier, then the supplier ships it directly to the sellers' customer for them. The only major difference between standard retail selling,...

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My History With Shopify

I came across Shopify about four years ago.  Prior to that, I was mainly using Magento.  Magento was a platform that had a massive amount of customization, tons of addons and apps.  But it required a lot of upkeep. Magento had many patches that needed to be done manually, especially for security.  Much of this needed to be done using...

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Information About My Free Mentorship Program

Hey everyone, thanks for your interest in my mentorship program. Over the last few years since I started this free mentoring program, word has spread to the point where I am receiving anywhere from 400-500 applicants per month right now from Entrepreneurs all over the world. To make the process simpler, smoother and quicker we’ve put together a list of questions...

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Benefits Of Having A Co-Founder Verses Going Solo When Starting A Business

Benefits Of Having A Co-Founder Verses Going Solo When Starting A Business There are a lot of benefits, and downsides to having a co-founder.  One thing to remember is that most businesses fail in the first couple years, and only 3% last longer than five years.  Having a co-founder or going solo can play an enormous impact on whether you...

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Email Accounts And What It Means For The Perception Of Your Business

Email Accounts And What It Means For The Perception Of Your Business Choosing the right email account for your business may seem like an easy thing to do, but have you thought about what impact it has on how your customers and clients perceive your business? When it comes to email there are 3 types of email accounts.  Free accounts, service...

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Best Solo Ways To Get Over Having A Business-Block

Best Solo Ways To Get Over Having A Business-Block We all have it, times where you can get so overwhelmed with your daily business life that you need to take a step back and reflect on what you’ve done in the past, what you’re doing now, and what you’re going to be doing next. In the same way that authors get writers-block...

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Welcome To A New Generation Where Customers Aren’t Always Right

Welcome To A New Generation Where Customers Aren’t Always Right From being in the product and service selling space for quite a while now and that fact that it comes hand to hand with customer service I’ve noticed that things have been changing in the market. Things aren’t like they were 5-10 years ago.  “Customers are always right,” used to be...

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Entrepreneurship And How It Can Impact Your Life And Those Around You

Entrepreneurship And How It Can Impact Your Life And Those Around You Each person that decides to take the first step to becoming an entrepreneur experiences it differently in their daily lives.  The impact that it can have on yourself, and/or your family is something that should be considered beforehand.  Every action you take has rewards or consequences (and sometimes both)...

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Best Business Dining For Closing Deals In Niagara Falls Ontario

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